
08:00 - 17:00

Monday to Friday

Fairley Road

Plot No 33, Lusaka


The African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) consisting of 35 member countries including Zambia, through the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) have resolved to embrace Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as an innovative model for sustainable road financing.

This came to light at the just ended 21st ARMFA Annual General Assembly held in Abidjan, Cote Ivoire.

Zambia stole the limelight with its presentation on the diversification of road sector finances highlighting private sector financing strides scored for the ongoing construction of the Lusaka Ndola Dual Carriageway, one of the longest Dual Carriageways undertaken through PPPs by an African country.

The Annual General Assembly, which was opened by the Ivorian Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé highlighted the importance of private sector participation in road infrastructure financing as it significantly reduced the burden on public budgets.

The NRFA drew on the ground practical knowledge and insights from this networking forum as Cote D Ivoire show-cased how PPP operated toll facilities compliment those run by the Road Fund.

This has enabled the host country to combine the strengths of both the public and private sectors to deliver infrastructure projects effectively and efficiently.

NRFA has since been actively engaged in the PPP financed Lusaka Ndola dual carriage way to ensure its success.  

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National Road Fund Agency

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