The National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) plays a fiduciary oversight on all Road Sector finances. It traces its origins from the National Roads Board (NRB). The Governance Structure of the Agency trails from the Committee of Ministers’ on the Road Management Initiative to the Board of Directors and Sub-Committees of the Board.
Prior to the establishment of the NRFA, the NRB played the role of a funding Agency established under Statutory Instrument No. 42 of 1994 and funded programmes from Government Departments. These were Roads Department under the then Ministry of Works and Supply and the Department of Infrastructure and Support Services under the Ministry of Local Government and Housing which played the role of implementing agencies.
In May 2000, the Government of the Republic of Zambia formulated a Transport Policy which disbanded the NRB and established three Road Sector Agencies through Acts of Parliament, namely Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), Road Development Agency (RDA), National Road Fund Agency (NRFA).
RTSA was created under the Road Traffic Act No. 11 of 2002, RDA was created under the Public Roads Act No. 12 of 2002 and the NRFA was created under the National Road Fund Act No. 13 of 2002.
NRFA was created under the National Road Fund Act No. 13 of 2002
The NRFA is responsible for mobilisation, administration and management of all financial resources in the road sector with the following functions:
The functions of the NRFA include the following: –
i) administer and manage the National Road Fund (NRF);
ii) prepare and publish audited annual accounts of the NRF;
iii) recommend to the Minister of Finance fuel levy and other road user
charges and tariffs;
iv) recommends to the Minister of Finance fuel levy and other road user charges and tariffs
Fuel Levy forms part of the local sources of funds
v) allocate resources:
a. for the construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of roads based on a percentage of the annual work Plan of the RDA;
b. for road transport, traffic and safety management based on a percentage of the annual work Plan of the RTSA;
vi) in consultation with the RDA, recommend funding for development of
new roads; and
vii) undertake such other activities as are conducive or incidental to its
As it implements its mandate, the NRFA is guided by a distinct Mission, Vision, and a set of Core Values.
“A sustainable and dynamic Road Fund for National Development”
“To mobilize and sustainably manage financial resources for good and safe roads.”
Core Values
The NRFA’s core values are:
I. Proficiency
The Agency’s value statement is: “We believe in providing an accountable transparent service.”
The Committee of Ministers on the Road Management Initiative (RMI) has the overall responsibility for the policy governing the road sector agencies. The Committee comprises Ministers from Ministry Responsible for Finance, Ministry Responsible for Transport, Ministry Responsible for Local Government, Ministry Responsible for Agriculture, Ministry Responsible for Lands, Ministry Responsible for Energy, Ministry Responsible for Justice, Ministry Responsible for Tourism
The Committee of Permanent Secretaries on RMI comprises Permanent Secretaries from the from Ministry Responsible for Finance, Ministry Responsible for Transport, Ministry Responsible for Local Government, Ministry Responsible for Agriculture, Ministry Responsible for Lands, Ministry Responsible for Energy, Ministry Responsible for Justice, Ministry Responsible for Tourism
The Committee of Chairpersons of the three Road Sector Agencies namely NRFA, RDA and RTSA ensures interagency cooperation, sharing of information and quick decision making. The Committee is composed of three Board Chairpersons of the Road Sector Agencies. Directors/CEOs and senior managers are in attendance during the Committee meetings held every month.
The NRFA Board is drawn from both private and public institutions as follows:
i) Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI)
ii) National Council for Construction (NCC)
iii) Law Association of Zambia (LAZ)
iv) Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA)
v) Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
vi) Representative from the Attorney General’s Office
vii) Representative from the Ministry Responsible for Communications and Transport
viii) Representative from the Ministry Responsible for Finance
ix) Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ)
x) Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA)
xi) Road Development Agency (RDA)
xii) Transporters Association
xiii) An appointee of the Minister Responsible for Finance
xiv) National Road Fund Agency as Board Secretary
The depth of experience and diversity of the Board ensures robust and forthright debate on all issues of material importance to the Agency.
The Board is responsible to the Ministry of Finance for setting the strategic direction, monitoring of operational performance and management processes and policies, compliance and setting of authority levels.
The Board is assisted in the discharge of its responsibilities by three sub-committees, namely the Finance and Technical Committee, Administration Committee and Audit and Risk Management Committee. These sub-committees are accountable to the Board and meet at least once before the Board meetings which are held every quarter.
The Finance and Technical Committee of NRFA advises the Board on Financial and Technical matters.
The Administration Committee’s mandate is to effectively and efficiently oversee the Human Resources and Administrative activities of the NRFA.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee advises the Board on audit functions and foreseeable risks for effective and efficient decisions in the integrated financial management of the road sector.
The Procurement Committee is not a subcommittee of the Board but a Management Committee which was set up with the main task of administering and managing of internal procurements.