
08:00 - 17:00

Monday to Friday

Fairley Road

Plot No 33, Lusaka



The NRFA, headed by a Director/Chief Executive Officer operates on a lean staff structure with four departments namely, Fund Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Corporate Support and Internal Audit. The Director/CEO and Heads of Departments form the Agency’s senior management team.

1.1 Fund Management Department

The Fund Management Department is responsible for the tracking of funds from collection points, ring fencing the Road Fund, control of its usage, and later disbursing it to the intended contracted works and services. These funds come from two main sources of revenue.

The first source is from Local Resources which are:

a) Fuel Levy,
b) Other Road User Charges such as road tax, licence fees, international transit fees (tolling and reciprocal charges), weighbridge fees and fines, and
c) GRZ Project direct allocations.

The second source is External Resources from Cooperating Partners

a) African Development Bank (AfDB),
b) Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA)
c) European Union (EU),
d) Exim Bank of China,
e) Japan International Cooperation (JICA).
f) Nordic Development Fund (NDF),
g) Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC),
h) The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA),
i) The German Development Bank (KfW), and
j) World Bank.

Both Local and External funding is ring fenced, meaning, once released by the GRZ or Cooperating Partner to the Road Fund, the funds cannot be paid back to the GRZ or Cooperating Partners or used for any other activity except for the maintenance, rehabilitation and construction of public roads; and for road transport, traffic and safety management.Funds are disbursed in accordance with the Public Finance Act

2.0 The Monitoring and Evaluation Department

The Monitoring and Evaluation Department is a technical wing of the National Road Fund Agency. The Department’s main role is to ascertain and promote Value for Money on road projects and related activities in the entire road sector. The Department reviews and interprets technical issues to facilitate board decisions and enables the Agency provide necessary checks and balances to implementing Agencies and institutions.

The main functions of Monitoring and Evaluation Department include Monitoring and Evaluation of Road Projects, provision of technical assistance to implementing

agencies and stakeholder communication and feedback.

The Monitoring and Evaluation Department Monitors and Evaluates Road Projects.

3.0 The Corporate Support Department

The Corporate Support Department deals with Human Resource Management, General Administration, Procurement, Public Relations and Board Affairs. The Department is responsible for the recruitment, and selection and retention of staff with appropriate skill and experience to meet Agency objectives. The Department is also responsible for maintenance of Industrial Relations and Corporate Governance to promote industrial harmony and high productivity. In this regard, the Department interprets and maintains Conditions of Service and develops and implements effective Human Resource policies and strategies which support the achievement of Agency objectives.

Further, the Department ensures that there is value for money by procuring goods and services in an economic, efficient and transparent manner. The Department also acts as a “mirror” of the Agency by managing the public relations and dissemination of information to the public. The Corporate Support Department deals with Board and Committee Affairs. It chairs the Agency’s Integrity Committee and plays the role of Secretariat for the African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA), a 34 member continental body for which the NRFA is President for the period 2014 to 2015.

4.0 The Internal Audit Department

The Internal Audit Department has the responsibility of providing the Board and management with an independent assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of NRFAs policies, processes and internal controls.

This assessment involves identifying the key risks affecting all aspects of the organisation’s operations and ensuring that adequate mitigating factors are in place. Detailed reviews of the existing internal controls are done, weaknesses identified and corrective action recommended through regular sittings of the Audit & Risk Management Committee of the Board.

5.0 The Road Tolling Department

The Road Tolling Department (RTD) is responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of the National Road Tolling Programme (NRTP). This entails the formulation of technical policies and implementation of strategies relating to the NRTP in order to achieve efficient and effective Road Tolling operations which contributes to the overall objective of A Sustainable Road Fund. RTD coordinates and collaborates with other road sector agencies such as the Road Development Agency (RDA) and the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) and regularly conduct reviews on the tolling legal framework and Toll Management Systems to ensure that the Zambian tolling operations remain in touch with best industry-standard practises.

6.0 Policy Documents

The NRFA has come up with policy documents and put in place various systems to ensure efficiency and effective delivery of services. The following policy documents and systems are in use:

a) Strategic Plan
b) Financial Procurement manual
c) Board Charter
d) Strategic and Business Plans
e) Code of Ethics
f) Whistle Blower Policy
g) Disciplinary Code and Grievance Procedure
h) Communication Strategy Manual
i) Risk Management Policy
j) Investment Policy
k) HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy
l) Administration Manual
m) Terms and Conditions of Service

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