
08:00 - 17:00

Monday to Friday

Fairley Road

Plot No 33, Lusaka

Go electronic – Get an E-Toll Card

The Electronic Toll platform is an efficient and secure way of accessing our Toll Stations through the use of the Electronic Toll Cards which are embedded with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology which enables you to make cashless payments. 

It was officially launched on the 4th November, 2018 at Michael Chilufya Sata Toll Plaza by His Excellency the Republican President of Zambia Mr. Edgar Changwa Lungu. The Electronic Toll platform has attracted numerous road users and most transporters ranging from North Western Province to Lusaka.

Currently we have 23 corporate bodies that have opened up E-Toll pool accounts.

The E toll cards are currently available on sale at our head office going at ZMW 100.00 (One Hundred Kwacha Only) and are pre- loaded with a ZMW 100.00 (One Hundred Kwacha only) Toll value bringing the total cost to ZMW 200.00 (Two hundred Kwacha) per card.   

The electronic toll payment solution is currently available at the eight (08) Toll Plazas, namely; Shimabala, Katuba, Chongwe, Mumbwa, Manyumbi Kafulafuta, Michael Chilufya Sata and Humphry Mulemba. However, the National Road Fund Agency will in due course be extending this service to all other Toll Stations dotted around the Country.

In the Age of High Technology cash strives to endure the competition with electronic money, because more and more people prefer to have virtual wallets. We already provided you with the information on particular payment systems, in this article we will describe the general advantages of electronic payment system and its disadvantages.

It is clear, electronic payment systems have a range of pros in comparison to traditional cash services: Easy to track expenses, Time savings, Expenses control, Reduced risk of loss and theft, User-friendly, Convenience and smart!

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