
08:00 - 17:00

Monday to Friday

Fairley Road

Plot No 33, Lusaka


The National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) received a total of ZMW 2.6 billion from the Ministry of Finance and National Planning as part of project budget support for the financing of road projects and related activities across the country in the first quarter of 2024

NRFA Public Relations Manager Alphonsius Hamachila said of the released funds, ZMW 2.5 billion was disbursed for road projects and related activities with over ZMW1.1 billion going towards servicing of Road Sector loans with the rest being channelled towards on- going road projects and the dismantling arrears owed to Road contractors and consultants.

Speaking to journalists in Mongu yesterday,  Mr Hamachila said the NRFA paid out over ZMW 803 million towards on going road projects undertaken by the Road Development Agency (RDA), ZMW 445 million was spent towards on going road projects undertaken by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) while ZMW17.8 million went towards road safety activities implemented by Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA).

And Mr. Hamachila said the NRFA will soon be migrating road tolling operations at Mweeke Toll Station located between Kaoma and Mongu to a new upgraded tolling facility fitted with modern and conducive tolling infrastructure.

The upgrade works are a continuous programme that will be extended to all class C Toll Stations such as the Tapo Toll Gate between Mongu and Kalabo, Lui Toll Gate between Senanga and Sesheke in Western Province and similar toll stations on the Copperbelt, Luapula and Northern Provinces.

Last year, the Agency migrated Toll operations at Kalense Toll Gate between Kasama and Luwingu following the completion of toll upgrades.


Public Relation Unit

National Road Fund Agency

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